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Ascension Lutheran Church reaches into the community here and abroad to change lives and share the love of Christ.

Sunday Worship: 8:30am, 11:00am and 5:00pm (Spanish ) 


8:30am first and third Sunday. 11:00am/5:00pm second and fourth Sunday

Adult Education Hour: 9:45am to 10:45am

Chldren's Sunday School: 9:45am to 10:45am ages 5 and over

Check out our Calendar Page for Special worship times during holiday seasons.


We believe, teach and respond to the love of the Triune God–the Father, creator of all that exists; the Son, Jesus Christ, who left his home in heaven to become flesh and blood, to suffer and die for the sins of all peoples of the world, and rose from the grave, victorious over sin, death and the devil, that we too might live with him in heaven for all eternity; and the Holy Spirit, who creates faith in our hearts in Christ Jesus through God’s Word and Sacrament. The three persons of the Holy Trinity are one God, co-equal and co-eternal. 


Our congregation accepts and preaches the Bible-based teachings of Martin Luther that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century. The teaching can be summarized in three phrases:

  • Grace alone — Loves all the people of the world, even though we are sinful, rebel against him, and do not deserve his love. He sent Jesus, his only begotten Son, to love the unlovable and save the ungodly through the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

  • Scripture alone — The Bible is God’s inerrant and infallible Word, in which He reveals His Law and His Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. It is the sole rule and norm for Christian doctrine.

  • Faith alone — By His Suffering and death as a substitute for all people of all time, Jesus purchased and won forgiveness and eternal life for them. To those who hear and trust in this Good News, God gives eternal life. The Holy Spirit creates in us the faith to trust in his promises and forgives all our sins through Christ Jesus.

For more information about the beliefs of LCMS Church, visit the link below. 

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We are a group of caring and committed Christians seeking to share the love of Jesus Christ. Much of our Spirit-guided work is based on the words of Jesus from Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth,” (ESV).

It is our mission and privilege to “Go and Share Jesus Christ”, starting in the communities of Gresham and Portland, and outward to the United States and countries around the world.

With a mission and vision tied to sharing Jesus, we have an active, vibrant congregation with many worship and ministry opportunities. We hope you will consider joining us for worship and eventually becoming further connected to our church family. See our Worship Schedule and bible study opportunities to find out where you might connect.


I grew up in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, with my first career being in resort management. I began considering the ministry after being affirmed by the members in my church, along with the call of the Holy Spirit. In 2003, I moved with my family to Seward, Nebraska to get my Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management. From there I enrolled in Concordia Seminary, St. Louis to acquire my Master of Divinity. Ascension extended a call to me as Vicar (internship) in 2007, then called me as Associate Pastor in 2008, and finally in 2011 called me as Pastor. I enjoy time with my wife, Michele and two daughters, Morgan and Alexa. I am an avid Denver Broncos fan. I also love the beach, which was not available while growing up in Colorado!

My Role at Ascension: As the called Pastor, my main concern is Word and Sacrament ministry. That is, teaching and preaching the Word and its message of the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ, along with administering the Lord’s Supper and Baptizing people. This work is in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) as Jesus gives us the task of sharing Him with all nations. In addition, it is my goal to assist the Holy Spirit in building up disciples and leaders who will also go and share Jesus Christ. We have a great group of called and hired staff with a passion to share Jesus, and our teamwork is essential in carrying out that mission at Ascension. Although staff is important, our members do the majority of the Lord’s work, as they are moved by the Holy Spirit to labor within the Body of Christ.


I was born in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and spent to majority of my life in the mountain ski resort and ranching community, I married Jim in 1994 and we left for good 10 years later, when we began our journey to enter full time ministry.


In 2006 I began college and attended Ashford University. I received my bachelor’s degree in organizational management and psychology in 2010. After moving to Portland I worked at Portland Lutheran School until June of 2013 when I left there and started full time work at Ascension. I have wanted to play a bigger role in the ministry and this is a unique opportunity to be involved in the many aspects of church work.

My Role At Ascension:  I am often the first person people see or hear when they contact the church. It is my goal to show them the face of Christ. To be kind, helpful, and serve in a manner that would portray Him to the best of my ability. I coordinate and prepare for services, communicate with congregants, and ensure that all  the day to day office operations of the church run smoothly.

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I was born and raised in a town in West Central Ohio, where faith, family, church and music were a constant and formative part of my life. From music in the home, active participation in music at both church and school, and loving people who have taught and inspired me along the way, the Lord has given me a lifelong desire to glorify Him, and bless others through the gift of music. I have been privileged to serve as organist and music director in Lutheran churches throughout Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, and here at Ascension. 


My wife and I are blessed with four young and active children.  I also work as a low-voltage systems installer/technician. As time permits, I enjoy a number of outdoor activities and spending time with family and friends.

My Role At Ascension:  I play organ, piano, lead choir and handbells, sing and organize worship. My role at Ascension can be very full depending upon the season and the activities we have going on at the time!  

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Our worship celebration is printed each Sunday in a bulletin and on an overhead screen.

We make every effort to accommodate our members and visitors who have special needs:

  • Our church is wheelchair accessible. Parking spaces and ramps can be found in the south parking lot.

  • Our worship celebration is printed in each Sunday’s bulletin. Large print bulletins are available from an usher on request. Large print hymnals are also available on request. A printed sermon is available in both English and Spanish upon request.



Every Sunday at 8:30am to 11:00am


Every Sunday from 9:45am to 10:45am


Every Sunday from 9:45am to 10:45am

Children ages 5 and over are invited to Sunday School. We teach a One Room Schoolhouse method with the older children involved in helping and leading class. If you would like more information about our Sunday Scool program, please contact the office.  


1st and 3rd Sunday: 8:30am Service
2nd and 4th Sunday: 11:00am and 5:00pm Spanish Service
5th Sunday: No Communion


Advent and Lenten Worship: Wednesdays at 3:30pm and 7:00pm

Look at the calendar for additional events, bible studies and services! 

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1440 SE 182nd Avenue|Portland Oregon 97233 | Church Office: 503-665-8821| Email:

Church Office Hours: Monday  through Friday: 9:00am to 3:00pm

Sunday Worship: 8:30am and 11:00am | Sunday Spanish Service: 5:00pm 

Communion Schedule: 8:30am first and third Sunday |11:00am and 5:00pm second and fourth Sunday

Adult Education and Children's Sunday School: 9:45am to 10:45am

Check out our Calendar Page for Special worship times during holiday seasons. 

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